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Noteworthy Books Received by the Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 7, Number 4, 2008

Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 7, Number 4 (2008): 760

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760 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 7, No.3 760 Book Reviews of the Southeastern Naturalist, Issue 7/4, 2008 Control of Pests and Weeds by Natural Enemies: An Introduction to Biological Control. Roy Van Driesche, Mark Hoddle, and Ted Center. 2008. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 473 pp. $69.95, softcover. ISBN 9781405145718. This text thoroughly covers the subject of classical biological control. Van Driesche begins with a section on natural enemies including parasitoids, predators, herbivores, and pathogens targeting arthropods. The science of invasive species is covered with a discussion of the current invasion crisis, followed by prevention and eradication in both crops and natural areas. The theory and practice of introducing natural enemies is discussed in several chapters, with emphasis on weed control. Tools for biological control, safety, and measuring impacts are discussed in several more chapters, including a brief chapter on avoiding impacts to non-target species. Two chapters are devoted to conservation biological control, including one about methods suitable for organic farming. Biopesticides are discussed as well as augmentative biological control in the greenhouse and the field. A final section discusses vertebrate pests and future directions for classical, conservation, and augmentation biological control, and biopesticides. Numerous tables, figures, and color plates enhance the text. An extensive references section is provided. This text will be valued by students, biocontrol professionals, farmers, and ecologists concerned with invasive species and pest management. C.R. Living With Fire: Fire Ecology and Policy for the Twenty-first Century. Sara E. Jensen and Guy R. McPherson. 2008. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 180 pp. $29.95, hardcover. ISBN 9780520255890. The authors present a history of fire policy in the US. They begin with an overview of wildland fire in the west, summarizing the state of our knowledge and stressing its complexity and unpredictability. A chapter on human infl uences on fire regimes addresses often overlooked infl uences such as climate change, housing development, grazing of livestock, and invasive plants. How fire suppression at all costs has contributed to the current build up of fuels and the financial burden borne by the Forest Service is the subject of another chapter. The authors also examine the recently instituted Healthy Forests policies. They conclude with a proposal for new fire management goals and discuss them in the context of recent and current events. Written for a lay audience, this book will be appreciated by all who are affected by wildfire. C.R. A Primer of Conservation Biology, Fourth Edition. Richard B. Primack. 2008. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sutherland, MA. 349 pp. $49.95, softcover. ISBN 9780878936922. This primer provides an overview of the field of conservation biology that will be suitable as a supplemental text for students studying biology, ecology, or environmental policy, or as the primary text for a college introductory course or high school course. It defines the field of conservation biology, the concept of diversity, its value, and threats. Additional chapters cover topics such as extinction, conservation of populations and species, protected areas, and sustainable development. The text contains many color figures and text boxes that highlight important concepts throughout. Each chapter ends with a summary, topics for discussion, and suggested reading. Appendices include a list of environmental organizations, a glossary, and a bibliography. C.R. Book Reviewers: C.R. = Cathy Rees.